Server Rules

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Server Rules

Post by Imperium » Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:19 am

Image 0. COMMON COURTESYㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
All individuals who opt to join the Bone County: Stories community are required to meticulously read and comprehend the established rules. It is of utmost significance to fully grasp that our diligent efforts have been invested in providing an extensive account of each rule, accompanied by illustrative examples. However, it is an insurmountable task to encompass the entire breadth of conceivable situations within a world where boundless creativity flourishes. Consequently, it is essential to recognize that the rules do not adhere to a standardized system of punishments, as each situation possesses its own unique qualities and circumstances.

During Out-of-Character interactions, it is imperative that all players maintain an unwavering sense of respect and composure when engaging with others. The inclusive nature of our community dictates that every player, irrespective of their background or identity, feels wholeheartedly welcomed and embraced. We strictly forbid any form of discrimination occurring outside the confines of the game, and should such instances transgress the boundaries of severity, they may result in a ban from our community.

Adherence to the instructions issued by administrators is paramount, even in the event of personal disagreement. We implore all players to comply with administrative decisions, and in cases where a player firmly believes an administrator's judgment to be erroneous, there exists an avenue for review through the esteemed members of our Staff Management team.

Under no circumstances shall the act of failing to roleplay a situation be tolerated. It is incumbent upon every player to fully immerse themselves in the art of roleplaying at all times. In the event that a player violates this crucial tenet during the course of a scenario, it is imperative to bring the ongoing roleplay to its natural conclusion before reporting the incident for further evaluation (Roleplay first, report after). Furthermore, it is mandatory for all players to effectively roleplay any injuries sustained by their characters or any accidents encountered while operating vehicles, even if such incidents occur in isolation.

To further illuminate the matter, let us examine a few explicit examples that encompass violations of this rule:
  1. Engaging in the act of insulting another player through private messaging or Out-of-Character chat
  2. Persistently engaging in the disruptive act of spamming.
  3. Demonstrating a blatant disregard for an administrator's decision or ruling.
  4. Neglecting to engage in the act of roleplaying a car crash, unless it becomes evidently clear that the crash was a direct result of desync issues.
  5. Deliberately going AFK with the sole intention of evading the commitment to roleplay or avoiding the repercussions that arise from in-game actions.
  6. Using /helpup more than once per situation

Players are required to ensure that their account and IP address are not utilized in violation of the server regulations. In instances where an Internet network or hardware is shared among multiple players (e.g., family members, friends), if one player violates the server rules, it may result in the entire shared network being subjected to a ban until the banned player successfully appeals their punishment.

The transfer of ownership for game accounts in Bone County: Stories is strictly prohibited, whether through trade or gifting. Under no circumstances should players share their accounts with others. Players bear responsibility for any activities that occur on their accounts.
Punishment: Depending on the context and severity of the situation, penalties can range from a warning to a permanent ban. In the case of linked accounts, if it can be verified that two or more individuals are distinct entities.


When choosing character names, it is crucial to ensure their realism and avoid any resemblance to real-world names or famous individuals. For instance, "Carlos_Northest" would be an appropriate name, whereas "Chris_Hemsworth" would not be acceptable. This guideline extends to troll names, such as "Ben_Dover." It is also important to note that modifying an existing name by adding random characters to create a similar name is strictly prohibited. For instance, if "Carlos_Northest" already exists, creating "CarIos_Northest" (with an i) is not permissible.
Punishment: Depending on the frequency of violations, the player's willingness to comply, and the context of the situation, punishments may range from a verbal warning to an indefinite ban. Additionally, the player will be provided with a complimentary name change by the staff member in charge, if necessary.

Players are granted the freedom to partake in acts of scamming and deception directed at each other In-Character, as this opens up avenues for exploring the ramifications through the lens of Law Enforcement. In the event that a player is apprehended by Law Enforcement, namely the representatives of the San Andreas State Government, they may find themselves burdened with debt obligations imposed by the governing body and/or suffer the forfeiture of their hard-earned assets.

However, it is imperative to emphasize that engaging in deceit or fraudulent activities targeting fellow players Out-of-Character with the intention of acquiring their assets is strictly forbidden. A prime example of such prohibited behavior is when one player deliberately misleads another during an Out-of-Character conversation, making false assurances that they have no intention to scam, or cunningly coaxing them into executing a command that knowingly results in asset theft. It is crucial to highlight that players must refrain from reaffirming Out-of-Character that they won't engage in any fraudulent activities, as such acts would insinuate a form of metagaming that undermines the integrity of the server.

Houses and Businesses are protected under this rule. House / Business scams are strictly prohibited.

Players are granted the freedom to partake in acts of scamming and deception involving illegally obtained weapons and magazines / ammo cartidges.

Players are allowed to scam valuables / cash worth up to : 10,000$ + 2 guns

Minimum character hours required for all parties involved is 5. Scamming / Deception that involved any character that has less than 5 hours is prohibited.

In the case of weapons, magazines, and ammo cartidges, the value of the item will be the one presented in the Strawman scheme prices.
Punishment: Depending on the frequency of violations, the player's willingness to comply, and the context of the situation, punishments may range from a verbal warning to an indefinite ban.
  • Transfer of Assets to Other Players:

It is strictly prohibited for players to engage in the transfer of assets to other players without a legitimate In-Character motive, whether it involves trading or loaning. The primary objective behind this rule is to ensure fair gameplay and maintain a balanced environment within the community. Thus, it is important to note that simply gifting all of one's account assets away due to a personal hiatus or departure from the community is not permissible.

Furthermore, players are explicitly forbidden from giving away the majority of their assets, except in specific situations such as event raffles, event giveaways, or general giveaways that do not involve a significant portion of one's overall possessions.

This rule aims to prevent the potential exploitation of the game's economy and preserve the integrity of the in-game experience for all players.
Punishment: Depending on the player's willingness to comply, and the context of the situation, punishments may range from a verbal warning to an indefinite ban.

Under no circumstances are players permitted to partake in or imply the exchange of in-game assets for assets located outside of the server. This includes but is not limited to real-life currency, other games, game skins, or any other forms of tangible or intangible assets.

The rationale behind this prohibition is to maintain the integrity of the game's economy, discourage unfair advantages, and promote a level playing field for all players. By preventing the illicit exchange of assets between the game and the real world, the administrators seek to uphold a balanced and authentic gaming experience.

In summary, the prohibition against transferring assets to other players without a valid In-Character motive and engaging in real-world trading serves as a safeguard to preserve the
fairness, balance, and integrity of the game. Players must recognize and respect these rules to foster a positive and enjoyable gaming atmosphere for all players.
Punishment: Indefinite ban, and assets wipe if the banned player has made a successful ban appeal.

In order to maintain a fair and competitive gaming environment, it is strictly prohibited for players to possess or utilize any form of unauthorized modifications, trainers, or software that provide them with an unfair advantage. These third-party modifications, commonly referred to as mods, undermine the integrity of the game and compromise the equality of opportunity among players. For instance, the use of aim cheats or visual cheats is strictly forbidden.
Punishment: Permanent ban.

To preserve the integrity and fairness of gameplay, players are strictly prohibited from modifying their game files to gain an unfair advantage over other players. Any alterations made to game files that provide an undue edge or exploit vulnerabilities are considered violations of the server's rules. This includes, but is not limited to, the following actions:
Modifying the handling files of cars to alter their intended performance characteristics, including speed, acceleration, turning, and other attributes. Such modifications undermine the intended gameplay balance and fairness, compromising the overall experience for all players.

Replacing vehicles and weapons with mods that directly provide an unfair advantage, such as enlarged weapons or vehicles with superior attributes. This type of modification grants an unfair edge over other players, unbalancing the game mechanics and compromising fair competition.

Substituting gun sound mods with more distinct sounds that may offer circumstantial advantages, such as improved reaction time or enhanced audibility in specific weather conditions. These modifications create an unfair audio advantage that is inconsistent with the intended gameplay mechanics.
Punishment: Depending on the player's willingness to comply, and the context of the situation, punishments may range from a verbal warning to an indefinite ban.
Players are expected to refrain from exploiting server bugs or unintentional server / game mechanics for personal gain. Instead, we kindly request that any such instances be promptly reported as a Server Bug in the dedicated Discord Support Server, accessible at this link: Bone County: Stories - Support Server. In the event of more critical server bugs, including potential monetary exploits, players are encouraged to exercise their discretion and directly inform a staff member.

Here are a few examples of unintended mechanics/bugs that should be reported:
  1. Frisking a player while both of you are too far from each other.
  2. Using an animation to make your character run faster.
  3. Exploiting glitches to go through an obstacle.
Your cooperation in promptly reporting any issues will greatly assist us in maintaining a fair and enjoyable gaming environment.
Punishment: Depending on the player's willingness to comply, and the context of the situation, punishments may range from a verbal warning to an indefinite ban. Assets will be wiped in the case that the exploit was done to gain in-game assets/currency.
It is strictly prohibited for players to engage in any kind of exploitation of server scripts. The overarching principle is that players are not permitted to automate actions through the use of
macros, unless they have received explicit approval from the staff. An example of an allowed macro would be;
Text macros designed specifically for roleplay purposes, ensuring that they do not have any adverse effects on other players' experiences or disrupt the gameplay environment.

We take these rules seriously, as they are crucial to maintaining a fair and enjoyable gaming environment for all players. It is important to respect and adhere to these guidelines to promote a positive and inclusive gaming community. Should you have any further inquiries or require assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to our dedicated staff, who are more than willing to provide you with any necessary support.

Disrupting Server Operations refers to a comprehensive set of regulations that exert influence over the general functioning of the community, its staff members, and the players involved.

It is of utmost importance that players consistently demonstrate their commitment to being positive contributors to the community, upholding a respectful demeanor towards everyone they encounter. By fostering a culture of positivity, we emphasize the need for players to adhere to the established rules, strive towards improving their roleplaying skills, offer assistance to fellow members, and refrain from engaging in any deliberate actions aimed at ruining the experiences of others, be it staff or players.

At Bone County: Stories, we maintain a strict stance against any form of Out-of-Character intimidation tactics that may hinder players from fully engaging in our server. This includes, but is not limited to, instances of OOC harassment or any other means employed with the intention of diminishing the quality of someone's experience within the community.

To provide further clarity, players are expressly prohibited from the following actions:
  1. Engaging directly or knowingly involving themselves in situations where doxxing (the unauthorized disclosure of personal information) or harassment of community members or staff members is taking place.
  2. Engaging directly or knowingly involving themselves in situations where cyber threats, such as Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks against BC:S Platforms, community members, staff, or instances of account theft, are occurring.
  3. Engaging directly or knowingly involving themselves in situations where the distribution of cheats or malicious media content is taking place.
  4. Engaging directly or knowingly involving themselves in situations where severe breaches of the rules, such as Mass Deathmatching, Mass Metagaming, Cheating, and other similar activities, are being committed.
It is vital for players to understand that failure to report severe rule violations may have consequences. As responsible members of the Bone County: Stories community, players are expected to promptly report any such rule breaches they witness or possess information about. By neglecting to fulfill this duty, they risk being implicated as accomplices to the rule-breaking behavior.

In the spirit of fostering positive relationships and maintaining a harmonious environment, Bone County: Stories assures players that we do not seek to undermine existing friendships. However, it is important for players to exercise their means and make thoughtful choices regarding their involvement in certain situations, as well as the information they choose to disclose. It is crucial to recognize that these choices may carry consequences.

Players are encouraged to report instances of severe rule violations, which may include but are not limited to:
  1. Cheating.
  2. Ban evasion.
  3. Mass MG (Metagaming / DM (Deathmatching).
  4. Harassment of community members or staff.
  5. Cyber-threats or attacks.
  6. Deliberate and malicious rule-breaking activities that are typically planned in private chats or other private settings.
Both Disrupting Server Operations and Failure to Report Rule Breaches hinge upon exercising common sense. In cases where a player perceives a situation as problematic, it is in their best interest to proactively involve the staff rather than disregarding the issue. It is crucial to emphasize that any knowledge of potential security issues concerning staff should be promptly reported and not ignored, in the interest of maintaining a secure environment for all.
Punishment: The range of potential punishments encompasses a broad spectrum, extending from the issuance of verbal warnings to the imposition of permanent bans. It is important to recognize that these situations are inherently complex and multifaceted, often necessitating comprehensive and meticulous investigations conducted by the designated staff members. When determining the appropriate course of action, the severity of the punishment predominantly hinges upon various critical aspects, such as the contextual backdrop and the gravity of the particular incident. Furthermore, additional factors will be duly taken into account, including the frequency of similar occurrences, as well as the individual's standing and reputation within the community. By carefully considering all relevant constituents, the decision-makers strive to ensure a fair and just resolution that upholds the principles of justice, accountability, and community welfare.
It is of utmost importance that bans issued within the community, including platforms such as Discord or the server, are not circumvented in any manner. Players are strongly encouraged to follow the appropriate procedure by submitting ban appeals in the dedicated Discord Support Server, accessible at this link: Bone County: Stories - Support Server, if they find themselves subject to an active ban and wish to contest it.
Punishment: Depending on the player's willingness to comply, how many times it has occurred, and the context of the situation, punishments may range from an indefinite ban to a permanent ban.
At Bone County: Stories, we place great importance on upholding the integrity, professionalism, and exclusive nature of our community. It is with this commitment in mind that we have implemented a comprehensive rule to strictly prohibit any form of advertisement for external roleplay communities or servers across all our platforms. We firmly believe that maintaining a focused and cohesive environment is essential for fostering an immersive and unparalleled roleplaying experience.

To clarify, this policy extends beyond overt promotional activities. We understand that the enthusiasm and passion within our community may naturally give rise to conversations about other roleplay communities, but it is crucial to avoid any actions that could potentially divert attention or resources away from BC:S.

By implementing and enforcing these guidelines, we aim to create an atmosphere that not only prioritizes BC:S but also demonstrates our unwavering commitment to providing an exceptional and uninterrupted gaming environment for all our valued players. We kindly request your understanding and cooperation in adhering to this policy to ensure the continued success and growth of our vibrant community.

Fear Roleplay is a concept that emphasizes the importance of exhibiting appropriate care and genuine concern to ensure the safety and preservation of your character's life In-Character. Our overarching goal is to establish and maintain a harmonious and balanced gameplay experience through the implementation of this rule, recognizing that there may be instances where it deviates from the dynamics of real-life situations.

In order to cultivate a sense of realism and immersion, it is crucial for players who find themselves in direct peril to fully engage in roleplay by embodying a palpable fear and adhering to the demands presented to them. This pertains to circumstances where the imminent danger manifests itself in the form of a firearm being aimed directly at the player's head or from close proximity by any other player involved in the game.

It is worth noting that the commitment to fear roleplay persists even if an assailant momentarily lowers their weapon to engage in typing or other non-combative actions. Individuals who were
previously subjected to fear roleplay are expected to sustain the mindset and behaviors associated with this state.

To ensure the integrity of fear roleplay, it is imperative that players refrain from engaging in actions that indicate a lack of genuine fear. For instance, fleeing on foot, riding a bicycle, or operating an unpowered vehicle while being targeted by a weapon at close range would be deemed as insufficient demonstration of fear. Likewise, repeatedly driving into an active shootout without the intention of seeking cover or making a strategic escape does not align with the expected standards of fear roleplay.

However, it is essential to acknowledge that certain circumstances may afford players an opportunity to respond and assert themselves. This includes situations where they are situated inside a powered vehicle, have already drawn a weapon and are facing their attacker, or when their assailant's line of sight is obstructed by a physical object, thus creating a window for potential action.

By upholding the principles of fear roleplay, we strive to foster a more immersive, authentic, and engaging gaming experience where players are encouraged to embody the emotions and responses that one would expect in the face of genuine danger.

It is through the collective adherence to these guidelines that we can maintain the integrity of the gameplay environment and ensure the enjoyment and satisfaction of all players.
Punishment: Depending on the player's willingness to comply, how many times it has occurred, and the context of the situation, punishments may range from an admin jail of 60 minutes (varies) to an indefinite ban.

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Server Management
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Re: Server Rules

Post by Imperium » Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:23 am

Ruleplaying refers to the deliberate and deceptive utilization, manipulation, or misinterpretation of rules by players in a manner that deviates from their intended purpose. Such behavior is characterized by unrealistic or unintended actions that fail to meet the established standards of quality and realism in the field of roleplaying.

To provide a comprehensive understanding, let us explore some concrete examples of ruleplaying:
A player purposefully enters a hostile situation, hands raised in apparent surrender, while being fully aware that their allies are covertly positioned nearby. This calculated strategy aims to lure adversaries into initiating unwarranted acts of violence, thus granting the ruleplayer the opportunity to exercise what is commonly referred to as "deathmatching rights." This practice undermines the fairness and integrity of the roleplaying experience.

Additionally, taunting an enemy in a public setting, such as in the middle of a busy street in broad daylight, constitutes yet another form of ruleplaying. The ruleplayer knowingly takes advantage of the environment's constraints, as opponents are unable to retaliate in this specific location. By confidently exhibiting a lack of fear for personal safety, the
ruleplayer seeks to diminish the enemy's position and establish dominance, which diverges from the intended dynamics of the interaction.

Given the complexity of these scenarios, it is essential to emphasize that the evaluation and resolution of each case will be meticulously carried out by the staff, who will approach them on an individual basis. The examples provided above serve as illustrative instances of ruleplaying,
but it is important to acknowledge that the unique nuances and contextual factors present in each situation may warrant a more nuanced understanding.

Addressing instances of ruleplaying is of paramount importance to uphold fairness, foster an environment that encourages adherence to established rules, and preserve the integrity of the roleplay experience. By promptly and appropriately addressing such behaviors, a more equitable, enjoyable, and immersive environment can be cultivated for all players involved.
Punishment: Depending on the player's willingness to comply, how many times it has occurred, and the context of the situation, punishments may range from an admin jail of 60 minutes (varies) to an indefinite ban.

Creating a conducive and harmonious environment requires the establishment of comprehensive rules and guidelines that address various sensitive aspects of roleplay. It is imperative to approach certain themes, such as sexual, torture, or otherwise disgusting roleplay, with the utmost caution and respect for the comfort and consent of all involved players, as well as any witnesses present. In order to ensure a safe and inclusive space, it is essential that explicit Out-of-Character consent is obtained from every player prior to engaging in such roleplay scenarios. To further safeguard the well-being and privacy of players, it is strongly advised to conduct such roleplay in private settings, avoiding public areas or commonly frequented locations like prisons or jails.

Equally important is the responsible and conscientious use of language within the community, particularly when it comes to addressing ethnicity and the LGBTQ+ society. The utilization of slurs or derogatory terms targeting these groups is regarded as disgusting roleplay, requiring comprehensive Out-of-Character consent from all parties involved before incorporating any such language into gameplay. Moreover, the incorporation of racial slurs into In-Character chat should be approached with thoughtful consideration, ensuring that it aligns organically with the character's development and motivations.

It is paramount to reiterate that racism, whether manifested Out-of-Character character, is unequivocally prohibited within the community. Promoting an environment that values inclusivity and respect necessitates the unequivocal rejection of any form of racial discrimination or hate speech.

By collectively upholding these principles, we can foster an atmosphere where diversity is celebrated, understanding is nurtured, and acceptance is the norm.

Furthermore, it is incumbent upon all players to embrace their role as responsible community members and exhibit exemplary behavior in their interactions. If a player expresses discomfort or explicitly requests the cessation of offensive language, it is the utmost responsibility of the offending player to immediately comply with the request. Respectful and considerate communication is pivotal to maintaining the harmony and support within the server, and it is crucial that players refrain from employing offensive language when addressing others Out-of Character, as it undermines the foundations of camaraderie and collaboration that bind us together.

In conclusion, by embracing these comprehensive guidelines and fostering an environment that players respect, inclusivity, and understanding, we can cultivate a community that not only offers an enjoyable and immersive experience for all players but also stands as a shining example of positive collaboration, empathy, and mutual respect within the wider gaming landscape. Together, let us create a haven where every individual feels valued and safe.
Punishment: Depending on how many times it has occurred, and the context of the situation, punishments may range from a kick, admin jail of 60 minutes (varies), to a permanent ban.

In order to foster effective communication within our community, it is imperative that all players possess the ability to engage in English language conversations. Therefore, we have established a rule that all forms of In-Character chat must be conducted exclusively in English. While we do not impose any limitations on players who wish to infuse their characterizations with words or phrases from different languages, it is essential that the primary language of communication remains English.

For those players who wish to immerse themselves in roleplaying scenarios involving foreign languages, we have provided a dedicated format that can be utilized within the In-Character text chat. By employing the structure of "[Language] Different Language Text," players can effectively convey their character's speech in a specific foreign language. As an illustrative example, a player may type "[Russian] After him!" to simulate a character speaking Russian during a roleplaying interaction. You are allowed to use well-known words in different languages, such as; Senor, Privet, and so on.

To maintain an immersive and authentic roleplaying environment, it is crucial to refrain from using acronyms such as "lol" or "u," as well as smiley faces, within In-Character content. These informal expressions are not aligned with the serious and realistic nature of the roleplaying experience, except when employed exclusively within In-Character phone messages.

To ensure a clear distinction between In-Character and Out-of-Character interactions, it is imperative that players adhere to the designated channels and commands. Text chat, radio messages, phone interactions, and specific commands like /me or /do should be exclusively dedicated to In-Character content. Introducing any Out-of-Character elements into these areas is considered metagaming, which detracts from the immersive and authentic roleplaying atmosphere we aim to foster.

In cases where Out-of-Character content needs to be shared within In-Character chats, such as including links, it is crucial to encase the Out-of-Character content within brackets. This formatting, indicated as (( As an example, this would be OOC content. )), effectively distinguishes it from the In-Character dialogue and maintains the integrity of the roleplaying environment.

Furthermore, we expect players to utilize our designated Out-of-Character chat commands when engaging in conversations that are unrelated to their In-Character roles, whether with other players or staff members. These commands include /ooc, /o, /b, /pm, /vpm, and /f, and they serve as the appropriate channels for friendly, professional, and respectful Out-of-Character exchanges.

By adhering to these guidelines and embracing the spirit of immersive roleplaying, we can collectively create a captivating and dynamic environment that is welcoming, engaging, and true to the essence of our community.
Punishment: Depending on how many times it has occurred, and the context of the situation, punishments may range from a kick, admin jail of 60 minutes (varies), to an indefinite ban.

Players are granted the privilege to incorporate Out-of-Character videos or screenshots into their immersive roleplaying experiences, thereby enhancing the depth and authenticity of their interactions. It is essential to note that such visual media should explicitly showcase the character utilizing proper /me commands and have proof of it. For the sake of maintaining integrity, players are expected to retain tangible evidence of their roleplay, such as a screenshot of the roleplayed command.

Particularly when roleplaying a non-visible camera object, such as a bodycam, players are urged to furnish comprehensive documentation of their roleplay endeavors, thereby substantiating the validity of their character's actions and experiences. This evidence holds active for a defined span of time, specifically 72 hours (3 days), during which the recorded content remains credible, genuine, and aligned with the overarching narrative. However, it is important to bear in mind that this temporal validity is subject to certain contingencies, including the untimely demise of the character, any breaches in roleplay authenticity, or the player's character being stripped of in-character access to the device in a manner that resonates with realism, such as being lawfully incarcerated or imprisoned.

In the event that a player finds themselves detained, it is imperative to note that such a circumstance does not retroactively invalidate previously recorded footage. The recorded content remains unaffected, enduring as a testament to the character's exploits and experiences prior to their unfortunate confinement. However, it is worth emphasizing that for subsequent footage to retain its validity and align harmoniously with the ongoing in-game narrative, the player must engage in renewed roleplay, faithfully recreating the desired interactions and capturing them anew.

The utilization of roleplaying footage originating from closed-circuit television (CCTV) or other camera sources is permissible, but with certain caveats and prerequisites. Specifically, the presence of either a designated furniture CCTV/camera object within a given location or the inherent inclusion of a mapped camera object within the immersive world of GTA SA is a prerequisite for seamlessly integrating such footage into the roleplaying experience. By adhering to these guidelines, players can effectively leverage the visual medium to enrich their narratives, adding layers of intrigue, realism, and immersion to their virtual endeavors.

In instances where there is a dearth of Out-of-Character videos or screenshots to substantiate the portrayal of a player's perspective while reviewing recorded footage, an alternative approach exists. Through the usage of the /do command, players can vividly describe the events and interactions transpiring within the footage. However, it is crucial to establish a consensus among all parties involved, ensuring unanimous agreement on the provided description. In the event that an impasse is reached, preventing the attainment of a collective understanding, it is advisable to regard the footage as compromised or corrupted within the context of the in-game narrative.
Punishment: Depending on how many times it has occurred, and the context of the situation, punishments may range from a kick, admin jail of 60 minutes (varies), to an indefinite ban.

In order to facilitate immersive and authentic roleplay experiences that do not rely on things that require script-support, such as;

Removing a license plate from a vehicle;
Cutting wires from a store or shop;
Losing your phone, or leaving it somewhere else;
Players are kindly requested to ensure the documentation of their roleplay sessions by taking some sort of screenshot(s) or video recording of that specific roleplay. This invaluable practice serves the purpose of enabling a comprehensive record of the event for potential utilization in future situations, such as the need to provide detailed evidence to a player for proof, or to address any arising concerns in case of a player report.

By diligently adhering to this rule, players contribute to fostering a more robust and accountable gaming environment, where the accurate documentation of roleplay interactions enhances the overall quality and integrity of the gameplay.
Punishment: Depending on how many times it has occurred, and the context of the situation, punishments may range from, a warning, admin jail of 60 minutes (varies), to an indefinite ban.

In situations where a game crash or disconnection occurs, it is of utmost importance for players to actively undertake the necessary steps to establish communication with the individuals or staff involved. Such proactive measures not only contribute to a smoother resolution but also foster a sense of accountability within the gaming community.

The prevailing and widely accepted method for initiating contact is through the official Discord server of BC:S.

Regarding the repercussions of crashing during a police-related scenario, such as a pursuit, it is crucial to understand that staff team are responsible for maintaining the integrity and fairness of the game. Consequently, players who experience a crash under such circumstances may face punitive measures.

Upon a player's successful reentry into the game following a crash or disconnection, it is imperative to ensure that all players involved are reinstated with the same opportunities and circumstances they had prior to the incident. This practice not only promotes equity but also fosters a harmonious environment for all players, where fairness and equal treatment are upheld as fundamental principles.

Furthermore, it is crucial for players to exercise prudence and consider their capacity to actively engage in situations before instigating them. Engaging in complex scenarios or initiating gameplay sequences without allowing sufficient time for completion can lead to undesirable outcomes, frustration, and potential disruptions for all involved parties. As a preventative measure, players involved in chases, for instance, are advised to exercise patience and adhere to a waiting period of 15 minutes before considering logging out of the game.

However, it is important to note that this waiting period may be waived if the pursuing player possesses comprehensive knowledge of the chased player's whereabouts. In such cases, it is advisable for the player to submit an in-game report, seeking official confirmation from the staff regarding the permissibility of logging out. This diligent approach ensures that players can make informed decisions while upholding the integrity of gameplay.

By adhering to these guidelines and demonstrating a responsible and considerate approach in the face of game crashes, disconnections, and related scenarios, players contribute to the overall smooth operation of the game, creating an immersive, fair, and enjoyable experience for all players.
Punishment: Depending on how many times it has occurred, and the context of the situation, punishments may range from a warning, admin jail of 60 minutes (varies), to an indefinite ban.

The act of conveying In-Character information to another player through Out-of-Character means involves the sharing of relevant details within the context of the game using methods that exist outside the game's immersive environment. Conversely, providing OOC information to another player by employing IC means implies sharing information or insights that are not part of the In-Character narrative through the utilization of in-game communication channels or mechanisms. Furthermore, the usage of OOC means to acquire IC information refers to the practice of relying on Out-of-Character communication or external information sources to gain an advantage or obtain knowledge within the confines of the In-Character world. Additionally, employing OOC communication and/or information to exert influence or manipulate events occurring within the game's immersive setting is strictly prohibited.

A significant rule in place is the strict separation of any characters you create, whereby they are prohibited from interacting or engaging in any form of communication with one another. This prohibition extends not only to direct interactions but also to any indirect means that may facilitate the transfer of IC information between your characters. It is essential to note that making any references to your other characters is strictly forbidden, ensuring a clear and distinct boundary between each individual character's existence.

In any given situation or roleplay scene, you are only permitted to have one character actively participating or involved. For example, if you are coordinating a drug deal with other members of a faction, it is not permissible to appear on a different character to do the transaction. Likewise, reporting someone missing to the police should be done exclusively by one character. Engaging in activities such as gathering information on one character and subsequently using that information to benefit another character is strictly prohibited.

An exception to the aforementioned rule exists for members of approved factions who may possess alternative characters within the same faction. However, such an arrangement must be explicitly approved by Faction Management. These approved alternative characters are granted a certain level of flexibility when it comes to advancing the interests of their faction or making references to their other characters within the faction.

Platforms or mediums that fall outside the jurisdiction or control of BCS, are not considered to be part of the In-Character world unless they have received explicit approval from the appropriate administrative team. Factions seeking to establish in-character channels on Discord, a popular communication platform, must obtain prior approval from Faction Management. Sharing any IC information on Discord without approval or without the presence of an admin to oversee such interactions is strictly regarded as metagaming, an activity that disrupts the integrity and immersive nature of the game.

Name tags are a feature present in the game to facilitate identification and differentiation between characters, contributing to a smoother roleplay experience. However, it is essential to understand that name tags should not be exploited as a means to acquire IC information such as a player's name or their precise location. To accurately identify a character in an in-character context, it is necessary to have visually encountered and interacted with them directly, rather than relying solely on the information displayed on the name tag. Instances where someone intentionally slows down when passing a group in order to read their name tags violate this rule. Furthermore, the usage of the format "/me describes Firstname_Lastname" is also considered metagaming as it encourages the circumvention of this specific rule.

Some examples of breaching this rule are;
  1. You message someone on a third-party social software to come and assist you in a fight in-game.
  2. Being in a call with your friends and making decisions through Out-of-Character means to practice these decisions in-game.
  3. You participate and help your faction/business on a different character without Faction Management approval.
Punishment: Depending on how many times it has occurred, and the context of the situation, punishments may range from a warning, admin jail of 60 minutes (varies), to an indefinite ban.

10. POWERGAMING (PG)ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
It is a term that encompasses the act of introducing unrealistic actions into the behavior of a character, actions that would otherwise be implausible or unattainable in real-life scenarios. It involves the utilization of non-factual statements in the /do command, as well as the deliberate exclusion of other players' opportunities to engage in roleplay by disregarding their responses and actions. This practice undermines the immersive and collaborative nature of the roleplaying experience. To provide further clarity, here are a few illustrative examples that demonstrate the concept of powergaming:
  1. Consider a situation where a player desires to break another character's leg. Instead of engaging in natural roleplay, the offender might approach the targeted player and abruptly type "/me breaks Firstname_Lastname's leg," expecting the injured player to immediately respond by roleplaying a broken leg. This coerced roleplay not only disrupts the natural flow of the interaction but also denies the affected player the ability to react in a manner that feels authentic and unforced.
  2. Powergaming extends to instances where players portray their characters possessing superhuman strength or extraordinary abilities that surpass the boundaries of realism. This can manifest in the form of performing physically implausible actions, such as effortlessly shattering handcuffs with raw strength. By engaging in such unrealistic displays, players undermine the believability of the roleplaying environment and diminish the overall quality of the experience for everyone involved.
  3. Another example is when players introduce the concept of camera footage into the narrative, even though there is no corresponding camera object or established roleplay context. This breaks the established rules and conventions of the roleplaying setting, introducing elements that are not supported or grounded in the shared reality. Such actions undermine the immersive nature of the game and can lead to confusion and disengagement among participants.
Additionally, it is considered inappropriate and discourteous for players to condense multiple character actions into a single /me command when interacting with another player. This practice hampers the ability of the receiving player to respond adequately and in a manner that respects the principles of fair play. For instance, it is improper to instantaneously execute a series of actions such as drawing an object and using it to hold another player hostage in a single /me command. By doing so, the player initiating the action denies the other player the opportunity to react to the initial act of object withdrawal, depriving them of their right to engage in meaningful roleplay.

However, it is important to note that certain forceful commands, such as /frisk, /cuff, etc. are permissible under specific circumstances. These commands can be done after engaging in appropriate roleplay or when the other party involved remains unresponsive for a period of 30 seconds. The intention behind allowing these commands is to maintain the flow and continuity of the gameplay while ensuring that roleplay interactions progress in a reasonable and efficient manner.

In conclusion, powergaming constitutes a violation of the principles of fair play, immersive roleplaying, and collaborative storytelling. It involves the introduction of unrealistic actions, the use of non-factual statements, and the inhibition of other players' abilities to engage in meaningful roleplay interactions.
Punishment: Depending on how many times it has occurred, and the context of the situation, punishments may range from a warning, admin jail of 60 minutes (varies), to an indefinite ban.

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Server Management
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Re: Server Rules

Post by Imperium » Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:32 am

It encompasses the unsanctioned act of instigating an aggressive assault against another player devoid of a legitimate In-Character (IC) motive and meaningful interaction. It is essential to adhere to a set of guidelines to ensure a more immersive and engaging experience for all players.

Prior to engaging in any hostile actions, it is imperative that players engage in sufficient prelude interaction, such as engaging in a high-stakes robbery or reporting an incident to law enforcement. This initial interaction serves as an escalation mechanism, providing a reasonable foundation for subsequent confrontations.
Moreover, when it comes to targeting players on-foot, employing a vehicle as a means to run them over can only be done once, contingent upon a justifiable motive. This regulation promotes a more realistic environment, discouraging reckless and unprovoked vehicular assaults while maintaining the potential for immersive encounters grounded in plausible circumstances.

In the midst of intense gun battles, it is strongly advised that vehicles not be wielded as weapons, unless faced with an unavoidable situation where there are no alternative avenues. This limitation acknowledges the importance of maintaining a fair and balanced gameplay experience, where the focus lies primarily on individual skills, tactical strategies, and the utilization of conventional weapons during combat scenarios.

To further foster an environment of accountability and roleplaying authenticity, players are expected to provide a valid explanation for their actions and, upon request, furnish compelling evidence substantiating their previous reasoning. This requirement encourages a greater sense of responsibility, reinforcing the need for thoughtful decision-making and considerate engagement within the virtual community.
Punishment: Depending on how many times it has occurred, and the context of the situation, punishments may range from an admin jail of 60 minutes (varies), to an indefinite ban.

The New Life Rule (NLR) stands as a crucial principle, particularly in scenarios where player characters face the unfortunate fate of death. This rule necessitates the immediate cessation of any lingering memory pertaining to information, as well as the annulment of all negative interactions and events leading up to the untimely demise.

With the enforcement of the NLR, the slate is effectively wiped clean, erasing all prior knowledge and recollection, thereby rendering it null and void in the context of justifying any future hostile actions against the parties involved. This ensures that subsequent engagements are founded on a fresh and unbiased basis, unencumbered by past grievances or knowledge that may have contributed to the death.

In adherence to the NLR, it is imperative that players abstain from revisiting the specific area where the death occurred until the preceding roleplay situation has been fully resolved and concluded. A reasonable cooling-off period of 30 minutes in an Out-of-Character context is mandated, allowing for a genuine disconnection from the immediate events and providing the necessary space for reflection and regrouping.

However, it is essential to note that government faction members possess certain allowances within the realm of the NLR. Specifically, they are granted the privilege of returning to their designated headquarters and resuming their unrelated faction duties following the incident. This provision recognizes the importance of maintaining the integrity and functionality of governmental operations, even in the face of unfortunate occurrences, while still upholding the principles and guidelines of the NLR.
Punishment: Depending on how many times it has occurred, and the context of the situation, punishments may range from an admin jail of 60 minutes (varies), to an indefinite ban.

These zones represent specific areas within the game that boast a significant concentration of people and are characterized by their remarkable public visibility. In order to uphold a superior level of security, these regions are fortified with an array of robust protective measures, encompassing the presence of surveillance cameras, vigilant personnel, and other precautionary arrangements.

The primary objective of delineating these zones is to establish an environment where players are explicitly prohibited from engaging in any form of illicit activities. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that while criminal acts are disallowed within NCZs, players are still afforded the freedom to execute certain In-Character actions that pertain to evading, lying, or orchestrating scams that align In-Character.

In the event that a player seeks protection within an NCZ, it is imperative to note that any potential assailant must exercise restraint and patiently await the departure of the intended target from the protective boundaries of the zone. This restriction ensures that individuals seeking sanctuary within these areas are shielded from immediate harm.

Nonetheless, it is essential to emphasize that players who have recently engaged in criminal pursuits or are currently involved in a pursuit-related scenario are strictly forbidden from seeking protection within an NCZ within a time frame of 15 minutes, unless they choose to voluntarily surrender themselves to the authorities responsible for enforcing the law.

To maintain the integrity and purpose of NCZs, it is vital to underscore that these zones must not be exploited as secure storage locations for concealing illegal contraband.

Below, you will find an extensive list of the designated No Crime Zones, each encompassing the surrounding block area to ensure comprehensive coverage and effective implementation of the NCZ rule:
  1. The Sheriff’s Department and its immediate surroundings.
  2. The Town Hall and its immediate surroundings.
  3. Fort Carson Bank and its immediate surroundings.
  4. The Fire Department and its immediate surroundings.
Punishment: Depending on how many times it has occurred, and the context of the situation, punishments may range from a warning, admin jail of 60 minutes (varies), to an indefinite ban.

Non-Roleplay conduct entails actions that are unrealistic or contribute to subpar roleplay. At times, discerning what constitutes good roleplay can be challenging, and our aim is to guide players towards the desired direction through our server regulations. Players are encouraged to seek guidance from staff members regarding roleplay matters. Here are a few examples of Non-RP behavior:

  • Disregarding roleplay;
    1. Constantly tapping the lean forward button on motorcycles during chases or in situations where the increased speed provides an advantage over others. (Engaging in unrealistic speed boosts through wheelies in GTA SA is prohibited in situations where it grants an advantage over others.) Wheeling, however, is allowed.
    2. Provoking Government Services without a proper In-Character (IC) motive.
    3. Failing to roleplay the effects of being tazed multiple times unless there are relevant IC factors involved.
    4. Requesting to be killed or deliberately forcing one's own death. (Players are not authorized to initiate their own death; their death is only permitted when they succumb to script-induced injury.)
  • Unrealistic Actions;
    1. Engaging in implausible stunt jumping.
    2. Bunnyhopping, vehicle surfing, ninja-jacking, chicken-running, g-bugging, etc.
    3. Shooting others from the driver seat of the vehicle, or shooting without a driver being in the vehicle.
    4. Misusing expensive vehicles.
    5. Using scripted job vehicles for purposes other than their designated job.
    6. Intentionally submerging any vehicle in water.
    7. Swimming for an excessive duration during a chase. Always have a specific objective when swimming in a pursuit; aimlessly venturing into the ocean is prohibited.
    8. Using a vehicle to obstruct one-way entrances or exits of locations such as banks and stores.
    9. Driving through steep hills and/or mountains with inappropriate vehicles; mechanics’ vehicles are exceptions. Appropriate vehicles include the Quad, BF Injection, Bandito, Huntley, Landstalker, Mesa, etc. Non-appropriate vehicles i
    10. nclude Turismo, Cheetah, Admiral, Premier, etc.
    11. Using /helpup more than once per scenario

During roleplay scenarios, players are expected to remain an in-character (IC) stance at all times. Roleplay can only be paused or annulled by administrators. Consequently, if a player believes that another player has violated a server rule, they should refrain from breaking character and engaging in an Out-of-Character (OOC) chat argument. Instead, they should submit a report, document the situation, and continue with their roleplay activities. Roleplay first, report after.
Punishment: Depending on how many times it has occurred, and the context of the situation, punishments may range from a warning, admin jail of 60 minutes (varies), to an indefinite ban.


When engaging in the act of robbery, it is crucial to adhere to a set of guidelines that ensure a realistic approach, driven by a justifiable In-Character motive. The success of such endeavors relies heavily on meticulous consideration of various factors, including the choice of location, the specific time of day, and the presence of a realistic population in the vicinity. By carefully analyzing these factors beforehand, players can enhance the authenticity and credibility of their robberies.

It is of utmost importance for players to exercise prudence and avoid conducting minor robberies in situations that entail a high level of risk. By exercising sound judgment and evaluating the potential risk versus reward ratio associated with a given robbery, players can make informed decisions about whether or not to proceed. Moreover, strategic planning is essential, and players should be resourceful in identifying and utilizing secluded areas whenever necessary to minimize the likelihood of witnesses being present during the roleplay.

It is imperative to uphold the principles of fair play and ethical conduct within the game. Therefore, players are strictly prohibited from carrying out coercive tactics to compel victims into withdrawing money, selling script assets, or relinquishing assets that do not exist within the in-game context, such as forcing a player to withdraw money from an ATM or their bank account.

It is to be mentioned that robbed parties are protected from any bodily harm that might impede them from reporting the crime at a later time. Shall the victim be noncompliant or threaten the well-being of the robber and / or their freedom, the victim loses the protection granted in the previous statement.

Maximum limit of valuables / cash that can be taken off of one’s person : 2,500$ + 1 weapon (no limit on how many bats, knives, batons can be robbed)

All involved parties must have a minimum of 5 (five) hours played on that specific character to be eligible to partake in any kind of robbing / scamming activities.

There will be a three hour cooldown between break-ins and burglary involving properties. (house, business). All parties involved may not involve themself in a similar situation before the three hour cooldown. This rule will combat the annoying break-in sprees with little to no RP. Failure to adhere will result is severe administrative punishments.


Players are granted the allowance to engage in the act of kidnapping or taking other players hostage, albeit with the condition that it occurs within the bounds of reasonable escalation. The underlying motivations driving the abduction and the manner in which it unfolds must possess a
certain degree of transparency, readily documented and expounded upon, should the server staff deem it necessary to ascertain such details. However, it is crucial to emphasize that if the primary objective is to cause harm to another player, be it through inflicting injuries or orchestrating their demise, adherence to our DM (Deathmatch) rules becomes imperative. Naturally, as the situation unfolds, it is conceivable that the captive player may inevitably be subjected to harm.

Furthermore, it is explicitly stated that all individuals partaking in the aforementioned activities are strictly forbidden from taking another person hostage for a duration of one Out-of-Character week in the event that law enforcement intervention becomes a factor in the equation. Compliance with this directive is non-negotiable and indispensable to maintaining a harmonious and fair gameplay environment.

Shall the kidnapping scenario extend to over 20 minutes, permission is needed from the kidnapped party to continue. Refusal to continue will lead to the NPC’ing of the kidnapped party for the rest of the scenario.


In order for a roleplay scenario involving a prison breakout to commence, it is indispensable that prior approval from a General Admin+ is obtained. This ensures that the proposed prison escape endeavor adheres to the established guidelines and regulations set forth within the community. Consequently, it serves as a safeguard to maintain the integrity and coherence of the roleplaying experience.

Moreover, to maintain a fair and balanced environment, players are advised to abstain from partaking in more than one prison break attempt within a span of one Out-of-Character (OOC) week. This restriction aims to preserve the authenticity and realism of the roleplay, while preventing any undue advantage or disruption caused by multiple simultaneous escape plots.
Punishment: Depending on how many times it has occurred, and the context of the situation, punishments may range from an admin jail of 60 minutes (varies), to an indefinite ban.


Players are subject to their assets being seized by The Sheriff’s Department and / or any Government agency abilitated to do so, shall they be found using them for illegal activities / gains. In the interest of fairness for all parties involved, the ruling government agency, in this case The Sheriff’s Department, must verify and confirm the involvement of said asset(s) a total of 3 (three) different times and scenarios on an IC level as well as on an OOC level.

Example: Deputy Noah_Mill spots Norah_Wright dealing drugs and just before Norah_Wright gets in her vehicle and drives off. Deputy Mill follows Norah_Wright from the distance and it turns out Norah_Wright went to her own home. After a while, Norah_Wright comes out, gets in the vehicle and is pulled over. A pursuit starts and it ends up with Norah_Wright being arrested.

In this case we have : x2 Involvements of Norah’s vehicle and 0x Involvement of her owned house.

It is understandable that Norah_Wright used the vehicle to reach the location of the deal, thus directly involving the vehicle in the deal. The vehicular pursuit involves the vehicle a second time.
However, Norah_Wright driving back home and entering the property is not directly involved with the criminal activity, thus negating the property’s involvement.

This extends, but is not limited to: Houses, Businesses, Vehicles, Faction Businesses, Faction Vehicles.

In the interest of fairness,unedited video footage of the previously mentioned involvement of the asset in said crimes is mandatory along with admin permission and supervision.

Seized assets are ineligible for refunds.

The term ‘Asspulling’ describes the action of a player scrolling an equipped weapon without properly and effectively roleplaying such an act. Concealing large items such as but not limited to bats, batons, M4’s, AK’s also falls under this ruling.

In order to enhance all players' gaming experience, every and all concealed weapons must be correctly roleplayed before the act of scrolling in order to create a fair environment for all the parties present. It is to be mentioned, that in order to avoid confusion, every and all Roleplay should refer to the GTA:SA model name, such as ‘Desert Eagle, TEC9, UZI, 9mm, AK-47, M4’.

Shall the player find himself in the possession of a visibly holstered weapon (/holster), the aforementioned does not apply.

It is to be stated that automated binds are allowed as long as they are not generalized but made for individual items.

/(a)me reaches for his waistband before withdrawing his TEC9.
/(a)me reaches for his waistband before withdrawing his Glock 17.
/(a)me reaches for his waistband before withdrawing his firearm.
/(a)me pulls out a gun.
Punishment: Depending on how many times it has occurred, and the context of the situation, punishments may range from an admin jail of 90 minutes (varies), to an indefinite ban.


Players are reminded that in order to make it a fair and enjoyable experience for the entire community, the start of any and all brawls must be roleplayed accordingly and with the written agreement of all involved parties. Shall one deny the act of the brawl, it will have to be roleplayed accordingly via the available server commands. (/me, /do, etc.)


/me approaches X and starts throwing punches in his direction.
/do Accepting a brawl?

/do Yes.
Punishment: Depending on how many times it has occurred, and the context of the situation, punishments may range from an admin jail of 90 minutes (varies), to an indefinite ban.


In order to realistically portray hiding the identity of your individual characters, a script-wise accessory will be needed to cover your facial attributes. It is to be mentioned that said accessory item needs to be covering at least half of the character’s face at any and all times.

Punishment: Depending on how many times it has occurred, and the context of the situation, punishments may range from a kick, to an ajail of 60 minutes.


Car surfing is described as the act of riding on any SAMP vehicle without doing so in a script-wise manner, most commonly with the help of server animations that enhance the stability of a player while ontop of a vehicle.

In interest of fairness, all car surfing is prohibited and subject to administrative punishment.

Shall any RolePlay situation involve a player being present in the trunk or any other non-scriptwise possible location, the player in question will have to RolePlay this accordingly and occupy one script-wise vehicle seat.

It is to be noted that all bicycles are exempt from this rule, however, carry a limit of one person surfing per each individual bicycle.

Punishment: Depending on how many times it has occurred, and the context of the situation, punishments may range from a warning, to an ajail of 30 minutes(varies).


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